
1.1 Redis集群拓扑结构



1.2 Redis集群数据分片


  • 客户端分区,代表为 Redis Sharding

  • 代理分区方案,主流实现的有方案有 Twemproxy 和 Codis

  • 查询路由方案,Redis默认实现方案。

1.3 Redis 集群没有使用一致性hash, 而是引入了 哈希槽的概念.

Redis 集群有16384个哈希槽,每个key通过CRC16校验后对16384取模来决定放置哪个槽.集群的每个节点负责一部分hash槽,举个例子,比如当前集群有3个节点,那么:

节点 A 包含 0 到 5500号哈希槽.
节点 B 包含5501 到 11000 号哈希槽.
节点 C 包含11001 到 16384号哈希槽.
这种结构很容易添加或者删除节点. 比如如果我想新添加个节点D, 我需要从节点 A, B, C中得部分槽到D上. 如果我想移除节点A,需要将A中的槽移到B和C节点上,然后将没有任何槽的A节点从集群中移除即可. 由于从一个节点将哈希槽移动到另一个节点并不会停止服务,所以无论添加删除或者改变某个节点的哈希槽的数量都不会造成集群不可用的状态。



why redis-cluster use 16384 slots? crc16() can have 2^16 -1=65535 different remainders。

The reason is:

  1. Normal heartbeat packets carry the full configuration of a node, that can be replaced in an idempotent way with the old in order to update an old config. This means they contain the slots configuration for a node, in raw form, that uses 2k of space with16k slots, but would use a prohibitive 8k of space using 65k slots.
  2. At the same time it is unlikely that Redis Cluster would scale to more than 1000 mater nodes because of other design tradeoffs.
    So 16k was in the right range to ensure enough slots per master with a max of 1000 maters, but a small enough number to propagate the slot configuration as a raw bitmap easily. Note that in small clusters the bitmap would be hard to compress because when N is small the bitmap would have slots/N bits set that is a large percentage of bits set.



typedef struct {
    char sig[4];        /* Signature "RCmb" (Redis Cluster message bus). */
    uint32_t totlen;    /* Total length of this message */
    uint16_t ver;       /* Protocol version, currently set to 1. */
    uint16_t port;      /* TCP base port number. */
    uint16_t type;      /* Message type */
    uint16_t count;     /* Only used for some kind of messages. */
    uint64_t currentEpoch;  /* The epoch accordingly to the sending node. */
    uint64_t configEpoch;   /* The config epoch if it's a master, or the last
                               epoch advertised by its master if it is a
                               slave. */
    uint64_t offset;    /* Master replication offset if node is a master or
                           processed replication offset if node is a slave. */
    char sender[CLUSTER_NAMELEN]; /* Name of the sender node */
    unsigned char myslots[CLUSTER_SLOTS/8];
    char slaveof[CLUSTER_NAMELEN];
    char myip[NET_IP_STR_LEN];    /* Sender IP, if not all zeroed. */
    char notused1[34];  /* 34 bytes reserved for future usage. */
    uint16_t cport;      /* Sender TCP cluster bus port */
    uint16_t flags;      /* Sender node flags */
    unsigned char state; /* Cluster state from the POV of the sender */
    unsigned char mflags[3]; /* Message flags: CLUSTERMSG_FLAG[012]_... */
    union clusterMsgData data;
} clusterMsg;

